have ever read-"A Broken Bow" by Alan Scott-I am so indebted to know that weONE-does exist as the mature and literate expression of our point of view.

Dear ONE:

Brian Jennings, Pianist Berkeley, California

The August-September ONE ConfidentialCatalog of the Institute of Homophile Studies is very fine. The new "competing" organizations will have to go some to equal that record and I don't think they will. I am sorry I can get out so seldom these days and down to see you people at the headquarters. Am inclosing the review of How Many More Victims? by Gladys Denny Shultz. Thomas M. Merrit, Ph.D. North Hollywood, California

Dear sirs:

The Articles in the QUARTERLY are excellent. Some in ONE Magazine are interesting. Some are just plain putrid. With all the fantastic so so called called "variant literature" in the world, of the past and the present, I really think it would be possible for the Magazine to do better on that score.

If you aim to gain public sympathy and cooperation I don't feel it can be done with such stories as "Valse Triste" by Bob Waltrip (April, 1965). Oh I don't mean the four-letter words! Not so much as the generally low literary value. I'd rather read Michangelo's sonnets to Tommaso again and again, or Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Interim," or the modern equivalent.

The Magazine should provide a perfect outlet for good writers of variant fiction. Also I think it is very important to uplift the thoughts of your followers and to help. them raise their standards. Is that not one of the objects of ONE? Some of the articles have been on the "street corner" level. Too much so.

Most homosexual men and women are intelligent and I assume it is the intelligent ones you are aiming at! You've got a great thing going at ONE, but it is such a touchy. thing that its success or failure has to rest on how it is handled. And I really don't think that wallowing in a lot of mushy stories can do that trick.

I am glad for ONE only if it can uplift, and I say that because I feel that homosexuality is not an unnatural thing at all, and should not be treated as such. But it stands to reason that the public feels the way it does owing to the fact that our mores and opinions are based on situations which no longer exist, and also because certain homosexuals, to top it off, behave rather badly, both men and women.

Miss C.

Santa Barbara, California


Dear Gentlemen:

I greatly respect and consider your lovely gorgeous Magazine, but I am a lesbian female and your lovely Magazine confined to pederasty for males only. My husband is an effeminate passive homosexual and I am a dominant aggressive active woman and both are bisexual. We bisexual. We act freedom uninhibitedly as my husband and myself exchange sexual mates.

We are of high social level and our experiences and freedom shocks the society and we keep it very secrete and latent and we see friends of our type especially in London and Bombay as we regularly visit on my husband's business trips.

Therefore we seek combined homo society free and uncensored and not to be phony and fictitious. Therefore I will be greatly thankful if you introduce me to free uninhibited shameless sex-clubs anywhere and also if you show where I get uncensored naked lesbian publishers by ladies broadminded anywhere.

Dear ONE:

Mrs. C. Beirut, Lebanon

I was very glad to receive your letter of September 1. As soon as we arrive to visit the States we will let you know. We are following your advice to also visit Chicago. Boston is something we have to decide when we already are in America. We are leaving here on the 1st and will arrive in San Francisco, where I will contact the Mattachine Society, the end of the month. Mr. V. Djakarta, Indonesia

Monsieur le Directeur

Desireux de considerer sous eclairage le plus complete possible le probleme que vous traitez, et qui se pose evidemment maintes. fois a notre association,j'ai lu avec grand interet les nombreux exemplaires recus de la Revue francaise "Arcadie.”

Dans le meme esprit, je serais tres heureux si vous pouviez nous adresser differents numeros deja parus de votre publicationet meme si possible, par la suite, nous inscrire sur la liste de son Service de presse et de documentation.

Veuillez agreer, Monsieur le Monsieur le Directeur, avec nos remerciements anticipes, l'expression de ma consideration la plus distinguee.

Monsieur J. Le President: Paris, France